What Are Dab Rigs?
To the completely uninitiated, a dab rig is going to be a bit confusing. Unlike a bong, pipe or other traditional smoking mechanisms, a dab rig isn’t designed to catch anything on fire. Instead, it has a nail that gets heated up with a torch, and concentrated extracts from various herbs are then “dabbed” onto it. As soon as they are heated, they produce a vapor that you inhale. You can use a dab rig to achieve the same level of medication that you’d get from taking several drags off of a traditional pipe or bong. The effectiveness of dabbing is one of the many reasons that it has skyrocketed in popularity lately and, it explains, why there’s been such an explosion of dab rigs on the market too.
The term “dabbing” is used because you actually dab a small amount of concentrated medication, either in a wax or oil form, onto your rig in order to produce vapor. Typically, oil concentrates are fairly thick and won’t run off the nail.
Dabbing is easy once you’ve done it a few times. The exact way in which you do it may vary depending on the style of rig you are using. In its most basic form, however, it involves applying a small amount of concentrate — oil or wax — onto a nail, or heating element. Don’t be misled, though. Most nails don’t heat themselves up. With the exception of e-nails, which can do so, nails must be heated using torches. Dab rigs and torches are usually sold separately, but you can sometimes buy them as a set.
Here are the most popular options for nails for dab rigs:
- Glass - Borosilicate glass is strong stuff, and it works great in bongs and pipes. When used in nails for dab rigs, though, it misses the mark. Glass nails are pretty ubiquitous because they are very cheap. However, glass breaks easily. Glass nails don’t tend to last very long, and they must be replaced frequently. In the long run, you’ll end up paying more. Also, glass isn’t very good at retaining heat, so glass nails don’t always do the job with certain concentrates.
- Ceramic - Like glass, ceramic breaks very easily. It holds onto heat a little better, but it’s still pretty inferior and generally not worth the bother. - Quartz - Quartz nails are pretty decent. Quartz is must more durable than glass or ceramic, and it’s almost impossible to overheat it. However, quartz doesn’t hold onto heat very long. Because it cools so quickly, it may heat your concentrate but not long enough to create a lot of vapor.
- Titanium - The vast majority of experienced dabbers prefer titanium nails. Titanium is virtually indestructible, for one thing. Titanium retains heat incredibly well. The only problem is there’s a risk of overheating it to the point where it burns the concentrate instead of producing a vapor. For this reason, many people like to pair titanium nail dab rigs with water diffusers to strike the right balance.
- E-nails - Few people bother with them, but e-nails are really convenient. E-nails are essentially electric nails with a port for a coil and a PID that gauges your coils temperature. They tend to cost more but they eliminate the need to use a torch entirely. Also, you can set a precise temperature, so you have much better control. The vaporization points of different materials vary, so it’s nice to be able to set a temperature and go from there.
DEMEDO Enails Store provide all kind of E-nails for dabbing, you can choose titanium nails, quartz nails or hybrid quartz nails. Even the controller box we have some personalized pattern on it.
Choose one E-nail you like, you will not regret to have it!